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Preteen Bestiality


This was a case of an illiterate adolescent male, from a low socioeconomic status and living arrangements near a rural diary farm. The physical and social access of the patient to larger community was minimal. Choice of bestiality in this case was deliberate, situational and preferential. Alcohol may have been a contributing factor which caused loss of insight in this specific incident of bestiality, which resulted in a serious outcome of death of a calf. This finding was in line of study which reported substance abuse as an associate factor in case of bestiality.(8)

preteen bestiality

The childhood sexual abuse, exposure to various internet based pornography sites containing bestiality and voyeurism contents, could have strongly affected his psycho-socio-sexual and personality development. Repeated sexual abuse in a pre-pubertal stage could have been the culprit for the patient's internalized aggressive behaviour, which in turn might have resulted in the adopting displacement defence mechanism by the patient i.e. displacing his internal anger towards the animals. This, in turn, could have resulted in the forceful sexual imposition and committing injuries to the calves to such an extent.

Sexual abuse in early relationships could manifest itself as subsequent problems in the ability to establish and maintain healthy intimate relationships. This was also reflected in the personality analysis, which outlined him as a highly vigilant and less trusting person. Instead, the patient sought to satisfy sexual urges through pseudo-relationships (e.g., Voyeurism) or relationships with partners that are based on disproportionate power (e.g., bestiality, pedophillia).

During psychological analysis, the findings such as physical and sexual inadequacies, emotional and sexual immaturity, difficulty in emotional attachment, low self-esteem, voyeuristic tendencies, infantile social behaviour, excitement seeker, inability to delay gratification of impulses, aggressiveness, very poor self-discipline, less conscientiousness and less sensitive to criticism are revealed in the present case which were in accordance to findings of study by Beetz.(9) In addition, the findings of this present case also revealed the absence of any current mental illness or underlying psychopathology, although Axis-I and II traits were qualifying antisocial personality disorders as reported by Reiss et al.(10) were evident from the assessments. This was a very warning signal for the community the patient belonged to, as bestiality may be associated with psychological disorder, including aggressive tendencies and behaviours towards children and other human. Children or less powerful individuals may be at a heightened risk of being sexually abused or interpersonal violence in later life.(11)

Miletski(12) has reported that people with bestiality interests have average sociability, in our case too, the patient was having low social interaction, but he was comfortable in talking to the interviewer. This was helpful in psycho-educating the person on the risks (legal and health) of bestiality. The father of the patient was also psycho-educated. They were also asked to opt for cognitive behavioural therapy sessions for the patient, which may help him in dealing with alcohol as well as with current sexually deviant behaviour and associated issues.

Roger Henderson II, 18, was arraigned yesterday in Natick District Court on charges of bestiality, cruelty to animals and breaking and entering in connection with an incident police say took place at Boggastow Farm on June 27.

Comm. v. J.A., a juvenile, 478 Mass. 385 (2017)A juvenile cannot be indicted as a youthful offender based on charges of cruelty to animals and bestiality, "given that the language in G. L. c. 199, 54, the youthful offender statute, allowing a juvenile to be tried as a youthful offender for an offense involving the infliction of "serious bodily harm," does not apply to animal as well as human victims."

Dr. Kimberly Lindsey, 44, a deputy director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was arrested on two charges of child molestation and one charge of bestiality Sunday. Lindsey's live-in boyfriend, Thomas Westerman, 42, was also charged with two counts of child molestation following a six-week investigation.

Lindsey, a highly regarded scientist in her field, seems an unlikely participant in child molestation and bestiality. She is the Deputy Director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office (LSPPPO) the CDC, according to their website. She previously served as a Senior Health Scientist in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) overseeing $1.5 billion in funds disbursed for emergency response funding. In the past, Lindsey has also worked extensively with bioterrorism prevention and HIV/AIDS prevention. According to her CDC profile, Lindsey has a PHD in immunology and molecular pathogenesis from Emory University and has an undergraduate degree in molecular biology from the University of Central Florida.

That the Buddha had to forbid sex with monkeys or heifers may seem far-fetched, but I have evaluated many children who have seen or been taught bestiality. It is a mistake to think our sanghas do not contain persons acquainted with this practice. The discussion in the Vinaya of monks with heaps of robes, embroidery, and fur trim has echoes in fleets of Rolls Royces, Rolex watches, and brocade robes sported by modern spiritual teachers. Buddhist practice does not free us from sexual or any other desire. It helps us see it for what it really is, desire, and then helps us be appropriate about how and when and with whom to act or not act on that desire. A Theravadan monk told me that his teacher warned novices that after years of celibacy even an old moose would start to look good. 2ff7e9595c

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